new background

So I started a blog. I'm a planner. I like to organize and prioritize. Sounds kind of weird for a gardener, but hey, its who I am. I like dirt. I like starting things from seeds and help them become the greatness that is veggie! I spent countless hours/days/weeks/months preparing for my garden adventure. I read. I read seed catalogs, old books of my mother's, other gardeners' blogs, random websites about gardening basics, and magazines. With that said, I will forever be a beginner gardener/farmer. So, again, I started a blog. I'm going to share my gardening ups and downs, what worked for me and, of course, my epic failures. I love to share tricks and knowledge and experiences with people that I've learned over time. So please, read my blog and come over to my garden, and mostly, enjoy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Late Summer Blues

I miss the mornings in early Spring, watching the baby plants relaxing in the morning sunshine, stretching what seemed like inches by that night. I miss drinking my coffee and reading a good book for awhile before it was time to go to work. And, by the way, I am a terrible blogger. My lapse in posts is ridonkulous. I'm going to work on that. But I miss the newness of Spring. This winter I'm going to plan some big changes for my garden. Here are a few pics from the past month...