The girls are about 4 weeks old now and getting bigger everyday. I took them out for a little adventure in the yard yesterday. They were quite pleased. Chicks learning to be chickens are the funniest things ever. They scratched at the grass; hopped and chased at everything that moved; ate some clover grass. My girls are ready to be outside full time. The coop is almost ready for them. Hubby is doing such an amazing job. We will hopefully be painting tonight.
A few garden updates...
The potatoes are flowering already
Beans are half-way up their tower
Spinach not doing so well
May bet one or two tomatoes from the ones I started...out of about 50 plants (unhappy face)
I also had my first attempt at making jelly last week. FAIL. The strawberry jelly wasn't too bad, but it was more like strawberry jello that hadn't quite set up yet. The strawberry-blackberry jam was waaaaaaaaayyyy too sugary. Those were both uncooked methods. I don't think I shall be trying that again. I'm hoping to get some canning equipment this week to do some real stuff like for green beans and tomatoes. Can't wait! I also spent some time talking to a nice man at the farmers' market about working on his bee farm. I want to get used to being around them and hopefully I'll get comfortable enough to make the jump and get a hive of my own.
A few garden updates...
The potatoes are flowering already
Beans are half-way up their tower
Spinach not doing so well
May bet one or two tomatoes from the ones I started...out of about 50 plants (unhappy face)
I also had my first attempt at making jelly last week. FAIL. The strawberry jelly wasn't too bad, but it was more like strawberry jello that hadn't quite set up yet. The strawberry-blackberry jam was waaaaaaaaayyyy too sugary. Those were both uncooked methods. I don't think I shall be trying that again. I'm hoping to get some canning equipment this week to do some real stuff like for green beans and tomatoes. Can't wait! I also spent some time talking to a nice man at the farmers' market about working on his bee farm. I want to get used to being around them and hopefully I'll get comfortable enough to make the jump and get a hive of my own.
I love your chicken house! How are the girls doing? Karla