new background

So I started a blog. I'm a planner. I like to organize and prioritize. Sounds kind of weird for a gardener, but hey, its who I am. I like dirt. I like starting things from seeds and help them become the greatness that is veggie! I spent countless hours/days/weeks/months preparing for my garden adventure. I read. I read seed catalogs, old books of my mother's, other gardeners' blogs, random websites about gardening basics, and magazines. With that said, I will forever be a beginner gardener/farmer. So, again, I started a blog. I'm going to share my gardening ups and downs, what worked for me and, of course, my epic failures. I love to share tricks and knowledge and experiences with people that I've learned over time. So please, read my blog and come over to my garden, and mostly, enjoy!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

They grow up so fast...

The girls are about 4 weeks old now and getting bigger everyday. I took them out for a little adventure in the yard yesterday. They were quite pleased. Chicks learning to be chickens are the funniest things ever. They scratched at the grass; hopped and chased at everything that moved; ate some clover grass. My girls are ready to be outside full time. The coop is almost ready for them. Hubby is doing such an amazing job. We will hopefully be painting tonight.

A few garden updates...
The potatoes are flowering already
Beans are half-way up their tower
Spinach not doing so well
May bet one or two tomatoes from the ones I started...out of about 50 plants (unhappy face)

I also had my first attempt at making jelly last week. FAIL. The strawberry jelly wasn't too bad, but it was more like strawberry jello that hadn't quite set up yet. The strawberry-blackberry jam was waaaaaaaaayyyy too sugary. Those were both uncooked methods. I don't think I shall be trying that again. I'm hoping to get some canning equipment this week to do some real stuff like for green beans and tomatoes. Can't wait! I also spent some time talking to a nice man at the farmers' market about working on his bee farm. I want to get used to being around them and hopefully I'll get comfortable enough to make the jump and get a hive of my own.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today I heard my heartbeat for the first time. It galloped. Horses have always amazed me. Although I've had very few close-up encounters, their grace and peacefulness pour through me whenever I do get the chance to be near them. Sophia and I got the chance today. She is a "no fear" child and has no problem walking up to and taking on the challenge that is a giant horse.(compared to her) A recent addition, Ms Hadley, to our family has extended our happy little circle to include a few more wonderful people who have three of their own horses. They were generous enough to let us come out to see them. We were smitten. Sophia couldn't wait to ride one. It was amusing to see how calm she was when riding. She looked like she was in a daze. Jenna, Hadley's other new auntie, rode for awhile with Sophia and then let Sophia ride by herself for a bit. Then, they even let me take a ride. I was definitely not dressed for horseback riding, but honestly, I didn't care. I haven't been on a horse for about 15 years and couldn't wait to try it again. I was nervous. It was still great. Jenna showed us some tricks while riding and then took him for a run. The sound of his hooves hitting the ground...I could feel felt like my heart beating. It was amazing. It choked me up. For the rest of the day, this is all I have thought about. It was all that Sophia talked about until she fell asleep on the couch! I am very thankful for today.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cityscape to my right; garden to my left

Its been a long few weeks here and very eventful. Birthdays. Baby Showers. Chickens. Babies. Family *issues*. Its finally starting to slow down and I am beginning to enjoy Spring. I went outside after dark last night just to sit down and do some weeding in the garden. Its ridiculous out there--weed haven. My niece arrived on Saturday morning, not before keeping everyone of us up all night with anticipation. Well worth it though. Her momma did so awesome and she is B-E-A-utiful! Such a snugglebug. I love her.

The chickens are getting so big. Its been a week now and I swear they have almost doubled in size. My favorite one, which I have nicknamed Bertha because she is quite a bit larger than the other chicks, is really trying out those wings. She was actually on top of the waterer the other morning. Scary. Its been so rainy the past two weeks that Hubby and I are having trouble finishing the coop. Ziggy-138 has had a pasty booty since Day 2. She is also not growing as fast as the others which worries me because she really is a sweetheart. They still seem very content in their little brooder for now. I've been giving them little bits of shredded lettuce out of the garden to help supplement the store-bought mediocre crumbles. They attack it more than they eat it. I sit on a little stool and just watch them play. I love them.

I get a lot of questions at work. Mainly "What the *bleep* are you doing with chickens?" I don't mind. I like being the oddball/crazy one. They think that I'm wacko for having chickens, and knitting, and whatever else I do that isn't the norm for a 28 yr old. I love driving down my street, about to turn into my driveway, and seeing the Louisville skyline in my rearview. Then I pull into the driveway and see my garden and half-done chicken coop. Its kind of cool having the best of both worlds here. I do love this city.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They're here...

Today, after dropping off my little munchkin with her Mimi, I drove to the Post Office to pick up, quite possibly, the most precious things I have ever seen. The box could be heard as soon as I walked in the door. "Hi! My name is Adrienne Wilson. I'm here to pick up the peeping package." The guy still looked at me like I walked in with 3 heads. Apparently they don't get too much chicken traffic in el ghetto post office. Anyhoo. I got them home and into the brooder. Watched them run around, run into the side of the box, run into each other, hop, stretch, eat, drink, and literally fall over because they fell asleep standing up. I've spent a couple hours today just watching them. They are amazing and entertaining. I can't wait to see their adult feathers because they have beautiful markings even as chicks. The two solid yellows are the Buff Orpingtons, the white with grey specks is the Delware (currently named Ziggy-138, an offspring of Danzig), the black with white stripes is the Silver-Laced Wyandotte, the two with the tan sides and brown backs are the Easter Eggers, and the last little brown chick is the Partridge Plymouth Rock.