new background

So I started a blog. I'm a planner. I like to organize and prioritize. Sounds kind of weird for a gardener, but hey, its who I am. I like dirt. I like starting things from seeds and help them become the greatness that is veggie! I spent countless hours/days/weeks/months preparing for my garden adventure. I read. I read seed catalogs, old books of my mother's, other gardeners' blogs, random websites about gardening basics, and magazines. With that said, I will forever be a beginner gardener/farmer. So, again, I started a blog. I'm going to share my gardening ups and downs, what worked for me and, of course, my epic failures. I love to share tricks and knowledge and experiences with people that I've learned over time. So please, read my blog and come over to my garden, and mostly, enjoy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July and the peacefulness of simplicity

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July and remembered the reasons why we celebrate. We didn't light any of our own fireworks because Hubby had to leave for work. But, Sophia loves the bright lights and excitment, so we sat on our front porch, eating popcicles, and enjoyed the show. I looked at my little girl sitting on the steps. Hair in piggytails, popcicle covered face...she is what I believe little girls should be. Not clad with age-inappropriate clothing with words like "Hottie" across the heiny. She wears a ruffled tank top with a little fishy on it from her Auntie. She says please and thank you and talks about babies being "precious and so tiny." She is already beginning to grasp the concept of hurting another's feelings with words and that its not good to do that. She won't wear makeup for a long time. Her nails have yet to be painted. There is nothing sweeter than a baby looking like a baby. She likes to water her own plants. She knows real joy and happiness...not just something bought from the store. Little girls belong in comfy dresses, piggytails, chasing chickens around the yard.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thats just how I roll


Oh what a day!

I had some interesting conversation last night with a fellow 15k Farmer. When I can feel someone else's energy and enthusiasm, it inspires me. I woke up early today and let the girls out. They don't normally get to play outside in the morning, so they were very happy to be "getting the worm." I've weeded/watered/hauled to the point of shaking fatigue in my arm muscles. I have dirt smears across my forehead from wiping away the sweat. There is nothing that makes me feel greater than this. I know its the city and quiet is never really available, but the sound of the highway behind me becomes a constant noise so I can almost drowned it out. It is almost peaceful here sometimes. The honey bees were all around me on the clover grass. Ziggy and Matilda fought over a worm. I found my first cucumbers and RIPE tomatoes. Today is amazing.