My momma and I joined Maryjane's Farm sisterhood over the Holiday season. (link to the right) Its kind of a girl scouts for big girls! You can earn badges by doing different things like gardening, community service, and homesteading.
To date I have earned 5 beginner badges:
Stitching & Crafting: Knitting
Stitching & Crafting: Buttoned Up
Stitching & Crafting: Sew Easy
Make it Easy: In the Garden
Cleaning Up: Shopping Green
I'm making a tote bag to attach all of my badges to, kind of like the sash that girl scouts wear. Its fun and it suits my *goal-oriented* side very well. Some of the tasks to earn badges really push you to accomplish big things and to focus on your dreams. Never in my life have I been so focused and understanding on what really makes me happy and where I want my life to go.
"Even if it Breaks Your Heart" by Will Hoge
Way back on the radio dial
fire got lit inside a bright eyed child
Every note just wrapped around his soul
from steel guitar to Memphis all the way to rock and roll
Oh oh, I can hear them playing
I can hear the ringing of a beat up ol' guitar
oh oh, I can hear them saying
Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart
Downtown where I used to wander
old enough to get there but too young to get inside
I would stand out on the sidewalk
listen to the music playing every Friday night
Oh oh, I can hear them playing
I can hear the ringing of a beat up ol' guitar
oh oh, I can hear them saying
Keep on dreaming even it breaks your heart
Some dreams stay with you forever
drag you around and lead you back to where you were
Some dreams keep on getting better
Gotta keep believing if you wanna know for sure
Oh oh, I can hear them playing
I can hear the ringing of a beat up ol' guitar
oh oh, I can hear them saying
Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart
Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart
And it does break my heart. This song is perfect. The longing to be on land surrounded by trees and chickens, hearing Sophia laughing and playing with little goats and appreciating life, its painful but its good and its my dream. It will take so much work and dreaming, but its possible and I will have it. No dream is unattainable if you're willing to work for it.
new background
So I started a blog. I'm a planner. I like to organize and prioritize. Sounds kind of weird for a gardener, but hey, its who I am. I like dirt. I like starting things from seeds and help them become the greatness that is veggie! I spent countless hours/days/weeks/months preparing for my garden adventure. I read. I read seed catalogs, old books of my mother's, other gardeners' blogs, random websites about gardening basics, and magazines. With that said, I will forever be a beginner gardener/farmer. So, again, I started a blog. I'm going to share my gardening ups and downs, what worked for me and, of course, my epic failures. I love to share tricks and knowledge and experiences with people that I've learned over time. So please, read my blog and come over to my garden, and mostly, enjoy!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Just around the corner

First snowfall of the year
Knitted wool scarf. LOVE IT!!
My first homemade chicken soup! Back off sniffles!!
I made it from snuggly purple fleece.

The sun is starting to shine a little bit more. Every morning, while taking the birds their breakfast, I notice the fuzzy little buds on the trees are getting fatter. The seed catalogs have been pouring in. Spring is almost here. Its been a long winter with modest amounts of snow. I've been hibernating with my knitting needles and homemade pumpkin lattes. I've worked on my sewing skills (or lack thereof) and even took a few classes on it. My mom is progressing along quite well with her new found love of crafting. AND, the biggest and bestest news is that I'm going to be an auntie for the first time in less than two months. I've probably bitten off more than I can chew because while I'm planning my sissy's baby shower, I am also making baby Hadley's bedding. I'm really excited about it and I hope it turns out as good as it looks in my head. It means a lot to me that my sis would even let me attempt to make something like this for her. People think I make things myself because its cheaper, but honestly, I pour my heart into making things for people that I love, whether its a cake or a scarf or baby bedding. This winter has provided a lot of "firsts" for me as will this spring. I finally placed my order for my brooder supplies and preparing for my baby chicks to arrive. I found some chicken coop plans that will work perfectly for my yard and Hubby and I are going to build it together. This is going to be a very productive and good year. And, with any luck, Hubby will see how badly I need a laptop and get me one! I can't stand being in the office typing. Its no wonder that my blog posts are months apart. There is nothing inspiring me while sandwiched between desks and bookcases and file cabinets! Not to mention this chair is ridiculously uncomfortable! I should be outside in the sunshine, among my plants and chickens! 

The quilt material for Baby Hadley
My first hand-sewn sewing project! !
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